We take your Magic, add in Implementation & Momentum and turn it into Manifestation
Let’s check in with our inner guidance and see if we are the ideal team
to co-create your gifts into reality
What we do
A Heart-Centered Boutique Agency
that is Divinely Guided to work with Thought- Leaders, Light-Workers, Healers and Change-Makers of the World to help amplify their voices, mission and brands for the greater good of the world. Using one part Intuitive Business Strategy, One part Tech Goddess goodness, a Divine Connection and Splash of Magic we bridge the gap between big dreams and execution for our clients. We help create launchpads for our Clients Dreams to take flight and we don't just talk about it but we take MASSIVE Inspired action thereby Manifesting Extraordinary results.
We Open Doors of Possibility with Strategy & Implementation
We know that most online classes and video tutorials use a one-size-fits all approach to their teaching which doesn't necessarily jive with the energy, vibe or mission of many Light-Workers which is why we take a more personalized approach for each clients needs. We take the big ideas in your head and create action plans and implementation by our tech team and then empower your personal team to take over and keep building on the foundation we created just for you.
why we do it
We’ve been there
We have been on the same journey you are on. We have bought all the courses, masterclasses and workshops yet none were the key to unleashing the momentum needed to manifest the business and life of our dreams.
We were tired of watching and hearing from countless business owners who were struggling to connect with their ideal audience and share their gifts and kept thinking that the key that they were missing would be found in another masterclass or program.
We know that the key that many business owners are missing is a team that not only provides incredible strategy and coaching but will IMPLEMENT these ideas on the spot, hold you accountable, organize you and help you build momentum which becomes the launchpad to Manifestation.
We know the change we wish to see in the world and know that it is going to come from people just like you and we want to be a part of your co-creation team.
We know what you have been searching for
You know your work is important and you have a purpose but need the help getting there. You are tired of searching for the next program or class to try and make the puzzle pieces click. You know there is something missing and haven't found it yet. You are tired of trying to figure out how to do things on your own and the tech piece overwhelms you. You wish there was a way to work from joy, light and fun and have someone hold your hand through the process. You have heard the horror stories of hijacking of passwords or holding your content hostage and therefor want open and transparent communication. You like to know what is going on and have full control and access at all times. You know with the right team that your mission and work will blossom and develop at a rapid pace, you just need to find them.
Who We Are
Just like you
We are Women Passionate about changing the world and know that the changes we wish to see are coming from the Divine Feminine Spirit. We believe in the power of women empowering women with no judgements or expectations. We Like to Have Fun, Play and make Intuitive Heart Based Decisions. We set intentions, we work on our "growing edges" and are in a state of constant development and personal growth and get better every single day.
We are a team of Business Strategists, Graphic Designers, Tech Goddesses, Coaches, healers and more with a mission to help the change-makers of the world just like you. Our Jelly Bean Jar of professionals is carefully curated for each clients individual experience and needs providing a Divinely Guided Co-Creation Team.
Meet our Founders

Brooke Emery
Recognized by Forbes magazine as a connector, Brooke Emery is a creative business strategist with roots in advertising, publicity and film. She brings big vision and mixes it with intuition to connect her clients to key people and resources in her wide network to create business development strategies, partnerships and win-win-win joint ventures. Equally passionate about elevating profits, creating social impact, and bringing consciousness to the planet she helps her clients shift their mindset from a place of fear, overwhelm, and doubt to one of positive action and possibility.

maria Fuller
Maria Fuller has been a coach and mentor for women in Business for over a decade and is sought after for her intuitive method of ideation and co-creation as well as toolbox filled with technical knowledge and expertise. She is an award winning photographer and visual artist and is the Founder and Thought Leader behind RaisingAPowerfulGirl.com an International education and community platform focused on personal development for tweens and teens. Her work has been featured on Google and Yahoo news, the Rachel Ray show, numerous online publications and she hosts and produces an iTunes top 10 podcast ranked in Multiple Countries.
What they are saying
Words from the Heart
"Working with Divinely Creative feels like working with two genies that tell you “ask & you shall receive”. I think of them as practical magic. It’s literally like working with the divine to allow for your highest development. So many things in my life and business have fallen into place since I started working with them. They offer the best feedback, guidance, and support. I feel so much more expanded after my time with them."
~Tesa Baum

Tesa Baum
I manifested some incredible and unexpected things during our time together. I started teaching a couple of classes that I didn’t even consider before we started working together. I am having awesome conversations with my podcast guests. People have started to reach out to me to be on the show as well. I am so thrilled about launching my site. I had many unexpected benefits while co-creating. Information started to drop in for me when working with divinely creative. I loved that the questions that I answered all fit into the site. Every step had a purpose. I loved having the recordings and all the information on Trello. Some of the most impactful moments of working with you all was coming up with the theme for my podcast & launching it. Having a clear message & clarifying my offerings. Clearing up my technical issues with my old site & email & finally closing it up! Yay! Brooke & Maria are the best! Thank you for everything! I love you guys!

Stacey L Tucker
Author of the Equal Night Trilogy
I have been through many website iterations. Pretty and not so pretty. I can honestly say my new site is pretty but also EFFECTIVE!! A website is a tool to help you grow your presence and business and my new site does both. It is interactive and enjoyable for the visitor and a tool to help me further my business goals. Brooke and Maria weave dreams with manifestation to get results. Thank you for a new launching pad to spring from!

Beth Segaloff
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Life Coach, Reiki Master, Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Firewalk Instructor
I appreciated the balance of Brooke and Maria....weaving in the structure and tech and the emotional pieces. I felt held, supported and I was met where I was. It was a beautiful combination of inspiration, intention and action. I felt able to express my questions, self doubt, and personal struggles that were related to creating the course. I felt heard and empowered to move through with support.
I loved the energy of the group!